This week, Michelle Horsley returns to the Here Come the Meat Bastards Podcast, to discuss various pressing issues, including: housework, eugenics, migration, chickens, pedophilia, pest management and the engineered collapse of the west. Hope you enjoy...
Kate’s show notes:
Three Corbett docs:
Paul Ehrlich -
Maurice Strong -
Rwanda -
Michelle’s show notes:
Vice of Kings; How Fabianism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse
Michael Parenti on Conspiracy:
Dmitry Orlov on collapse:
How are we to breed a race of human thoroughbreds unless we follow the same plan? We must make this country into a garden for children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human 'weeds.’
~Margaret Sanger
Club of Rome and population control
Like Oreskes, the scientists at TOP and Population Connection insist that their proposed solutions to the population “problem” are noncoercive. They just want to nudge people in the direction of fewer people. Another of TOP’s priorities is to “reduce immigration numbers” to developed countries with low fertility rates. Additional ideas include proposals to lower government support for third and fourth children and for medical fertility treatments.
But Ehrlich said the same thing. “I’m against government interference in our lives,” he told an interviewer in 1970. How that sentiment squared with Ehrlich’s demands in The Population Bomb for “compulsory birth regulation” and “sterilizing all Indian males with three or more children” remains unclear. And it didn’t stop powerful institutions from taking his warnings about overpopulation literally as well as seriously.
As Betsy Hartmann recounted in her 1987 exposé, Reproductive Rights and Wrongs, the Population Council, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and other organizations funded fertility-reduction programs that, in tandem with sometimes coercive government policies, led to millions of sterilizations in China, India, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and elsewhere. China’s one-child policy can be directly traced to Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome’s famous Malthusian screed warning of resource shortages and overpopulation.
Pickton Farm:
Vancouver pedo ring:
A press release account from the time of the incident:
Pedophile Information Exchange:
Labour Party managerial types affiliated w/ PIE:
Fabian Institutions - New Statesman, London School of Economics, the Labour Party:
Laura Silsby, Hillary Clinton and the Haitian children
As the origin of Pizzagate:
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