The way you two dialogue is very nervous-system regulating, that's kind of somehow 'meta'. I would listen to you read the ingredients on a box of CheezIts. "5th generation warfare" is right. Whether it spurs on autism or not, it feels clear (from a bird's eye perspective) IV shots are a modulation of the generations wavelengths. Biochemically, cognitively and so ultimately spiritually. Could the effects be so far reaching that there's not even a good name for it yet?

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I agree, at the very least, shots are a problem. But I also acknowledge the placebo/nocebo effects, and I think it is important to not give in to a feeling of helplessness and disempowerment. The body/mind/spirit and its healing functions are powerful and not easy to measure. I take hope in this.

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I get great hope, encouragement even, seeing how fragile and hackneyed 'their' approach to control and manipulation is. You can't create much via destruction so the rhetoric and antics always have an air of incompetence.

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Thanks. That's a great compliment, N.

About the attempts to engineer us, at least some of it is a parlour trick ie the fake PCR tests and rebranding the flu to create the appearance of a pathogen. Remember Elizabeth Holmes that the Clinton's and Obamas liked so much? It sure looks like she was just the figurehead of an operation to put 'supertech' blood testability into box stores for the pandemic op, but the timing didn't work out.

Also, if you followed the HB Gary hack, you got to see the disconnect between the engineers/coders who are tasked to build real things and the executives who are motivated to shine for their investors, shareholders and the Fortune 500.

There are also natural limits -biological ones and energy/resource limits. Autism may be one. It looks to me that autism is the result of lack of mother/infant bonding. Like the installation of an operating system, the infant neurology is meant to synchronise with the mothers. An analogy may be like a 'factory' model vs 'custom'? If every unit out there is custom, the culture is over.

Fear not. The humalian techno-utopian future is a lie. ಠ‿ಠ)

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Factory vs. Custom, very useful analogy. Certainly whatever cognitive deficit the shots might initiate wouldn't aid the mother-child bond? Can't help but consider the example of homeopathics. If such subtle specimens actually have such an impact on human biology, especially when it comes down to social energetic interaction with the world, what could more invasively installed permanent (heavy metals) materials effect long-term?

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As I see it, jabs are the optimum delivery device for pop. control. They made them ubiquitous and normal and (mostly) safe so that they would be accepted w/o too much fuss for the Big Cull or the 'Enhancement' or whatever the mRNA jab(s) are.

I've read about the US.Mil testing biowar delivery options on American citizens. That seems to have been what Legionnaires disease was. They did things like spray a respiratory virus into the winds off San Francisco and tracked hospitalisations. That was the 1970's and before. Lots of different tests. Jabs makes sense in that context. They've been testing stuff in the jabs too.

That being said, the story of how we've come to believe that jabs cause autism is full of deceit and covert operatives, not least of which are the C0$ and RFK Jr who was co-counsel at a C0$ law firm, and CHD which has had C0$ executives.

BTW, Andrew Wakefield's study concluded that they had found _no connection_ between the MMR and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. He simply announced it at the press conference that was supposed to be about the study being accepted by the Lancet. His theory, that he disproved, was that the live measles in the jab burrowed into the gut causing leakiness which caused encephalitis ergo autism. But autism is not the same as encephalitis, though encephalitis can cause Pervasive Developmental Disorder. And he was never against jabs. He has said repeatedly over the years that children should continue to get jabbed. RFK too.

Would people be so trusting of Wakefield if they knew that he got the idea that jabs cause autism from an elite WHO immunologist, I wonder?

This guy: https://prabook.com/web/herman_hugh.fudenberg/3399257

Anyway, I've just learned that the Autism Epidemic psyop has lead directly to the creation of HARPA -that is DARPA for health. I guess They'd call that a success.

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