I’d like all the answers to Dr Malik’s questions in his amazing letter to non ethical doctors please !? I am a retired GP and dont know where to find the answers .Who gets taught anything about Vaccines in Medical School.? We need to know but I think information about them is deliberately withheld because the Rockerfellers feared that people would find out just how corrupt the industry is and that we are much better off without them as the Vaxxed v Unvaxxed studies show with the Amish and in Dr Pauls Thomas’ published studies . He appears on CHD TV

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I can’t see all of Doc Malik’s questions…can you possibly add the ones that don’t show?

Also, great interview! Especially asking your family dr for questions! I have a brother, an American orthopedic surgeon, whom I’m trying to wake up…you both have helped with that. Thank you!

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Here is a link to his article with the questions: https://docmalik.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-all-the-doctors-who , though it might be for paid subscribers.

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I have to say, I was quite disappointed in Doc Malik (again, *sigh).

Not you Kate - you were great, very thoughtful and intelligent. It seemed to me that Malik has had some media training - it seemed to me that he was reframing your questions so that he could deliver his preloaded 'message'. That is not easy to do without some training.

For example, at 12:30 you gave your family doctor's anecdote about seeing less spinal taps post vaccine - which is very persuasive testimony - but he responds as if you had referred to a 'paper' and went on to make an energetic case about researchers lying and not trusting papers, neatly side-stepping yur challenge.

Overall, Malik just gave you all the usual talking points as if it's still 2007. Anyone in thrall to confirmation bias is going to be just nodding along to the familiar arguments. Though he did confirm my point (that you raised, thank-you) that the definition of autism has become uselessly broad and re-defined - to the detriment of vax-injured children, I might add, whose presence in the autism umbrella shields Big Pharma from prosecutions.

Because the science is actually clear that vaxes do not cause autism.

What he didn't say is that after Andrew Wakefield announced a connection in 1998, masses of funding went into research - millions, if not billions. It was a hot time for biomedical researchers.

What always get's obscured is that Wakefield has said repeatedly that his study did not conclude that vaxes cause autism and back then he was a strong proponent of vaccination.

BTW, his hypothesis was that the measles virus from the MMR somehow burrowed into the gut, causing leakiness, which caused inflammation, which caused encephalitis which caused autism.

A decade of follow-up, massively funded research and his hypothesis was never shown to be correct.

I can tell you as an adult autistic who had digestive troubles, chronic anxiety, a near 1:1 with autism diagnosis, is a better answer for autistic digestive issues. Now they are talking about aluminium and environmental toxins, but not long ago it was all about the mercury/thermisol, which at least was based on a real condition, Minamata disease, but if you read the symptoms of Minamata disease, they don't fit the pre-1980 diagnostic criteria for autism. So it's a moving goalpost with a lot of stretch, stretch, stretch.

What is never acknowledged in all this talk about vax=autism, is the Big Autism Industry. Maybe not as big as Big Pharma, but still huge - books, conferences, podcasts, alt treatments, detox clinics, vitamins. It is the main Establishment Counternarrative to the vax = good Establishment Narrative, the one that makes the imposition of vaccine mandates doable for governments and institutions.

Lastly, that he cites Dr Hooker uncritically is not a good sign at all. Dr Hooker is connected to Children's Health Defense, which has significant association with Scientology, and he has promoted chelation, the favoured treatment of DAN! (Destroy Autism Now!) doctors, a specialist clinic that has significant association with Scientology and is in accordance with the Scientological detox program, Purif Rundown.

It concerns me that autistic children -even vax-injured children - have been put into the care of crypto-Scientologists and subjected to Scientological 'tech' and the infiltration of Scientological models of health into the natural health and alternative health spheres.

Oops! Sorry, Kate. Rant over. :P

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Thank you, as always, for your closely researched perspective on all this. Doc Malik has, I believe, been processing a sort of firehose of information in a relatively short amount of time. My impression and hope is that his intentions are pure and honest, and as he has become well acquainted with the dishonesty, ulterior motives and misdirection of the mainstream narrative (vaccines are the greatest triumph of modern medicine, there's a DRUG for that!, etc.), he is also in the process of gaining perspective on the people and belief systems that would hope to profit from the alternative narrative as well (let's develop GOOD vaccines!, autism is an injury that must be fixed, etc.) Given the range of people he interviews on his podcasts, and the tone of these interviews, I don't detect an agenda.

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Kate, you are always so generous!

If he is sincere then he is very irresponsible to say that vaxes cause autism when he can't even define autism beyond [i]something something environmental toxins[/i] and judging by his informed consent protocol he's capable of being [u]very[/u] responsible.

We have to demand better from these public figures who are steering the public discussion and defining what we are to accept as real. It's not 2007 anymore. If we are going to bring the hammer down on Big Pharma, we are going to have to make the vax=autism psyop die so we can name vaccine injury what it is - vaccine injury.

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I really enjoyed your discussion, and the various proofs of the deception that is vaccination (loved the Graph) and the debunking of the dogma ( safe& effective) or whatever the dogma is.

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